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It's Been One Heluva Year and 1/2

January 18th, 2020 at 05:45 am's been over one year since I've blogged. With so much "activity" both foreign and domestic, I have been a road warrior unlike never before in the 27 years since I was a rookie.

Since my last visit, everything has been set on auto pilot. Both my home and rental mortgages continue to shrink little by little, retirement continues to grow, goals remain the same and I have finished building my cabin where I go to read, rest, pray and work on some other little hobbies such as spoon and kuska bowl carving.

I've missed so much it's going to be a while to play catch up with you all but I at least wanted to say hello and stay tuned for some updates.

Is it too early to plan for a good yard sale?

December 16th, 2017 at 07:59 pm

So...for those of you who don't remember, I had a yard sale this past August. No signs or posters, just threw caution to the wind. Total sales....$2.00.

This winter already I have accumulated some very expensive tools from the estate of a deceased family friend. Getting them out of the families hair was actually the best thing I could have done. That said, I am loaded with tools to sell. I am not savvy when it comes to selling on line but have always enjoyed yard sales. I was thinking about organizing and pricing some items out. Is it too early. Any tips or tricks to making my sale a success?